Sharpen Your Teeth for the Masquerade

An independent oc for the World of Darkness universe, specifically Vampire: The Masquerade (based in Bloodlines.)

The Bite that Binds

Jean holds quite the interesting history, having been around for a good 150+ years. Embraced in the 1860s West, he started out as a genuine cowboy vampire, parting ways with his Sire a few years after. To his knowledge, they haven't seen each other since, but he's hardly bothered by this fact. Discovering how quickly time was progressing between his travels in the wilderness resulted in a minor existential crisis and a question of his own identity. Eventually it was the hippie movement of the 60s and 70s that he found contentment in, evolving from cowboy vampire to hippie cowboy vampire. The punk movement of the 80s ignited his passions, but he didn't seem to pick up the aesthetic as much as he did the politics. (You can find a good number of records in his haven that proves he seemed to take a liking to the music as well.) In the 90s is when he sired his childe, moving on to the 00s in which he lived in LA with said childe during the time of the fledgling's turning the city upside down. After a few years, he parted ways with his progeny to travel the country, keeping an amount of communication but mostly remaining untraceable.

The Gift that Gives

Jean is an Anarch by practice, but he like, totally doesn't believe in labels, man. Regardless, he tends to oppose the Camarilla, but not in a necessarily antagonistic way. He loathes being told what to do, but will follow specific rules if he doesn't find them too stifling. If he winds up not liking the way the territory he resides in is run, he's wont to up and leaving. For now, he's content with his haven in downtown Los Angeles. In the post-Bloodlines timeline, however, he's decided he wants to uproot himself and go about traveling again. (Whichever timeline you'd like is up to you.)Like most Gangrel, he is a free spirit who tends to keep to himself. He has sired at least one childe, which may or may not be proof of an amount of sentiment still residing within himself. Though preferring his solitude, Jean is easygoing and not one to start conflict, at least not openly. He's even willing to offer his help to those who desperately need it, but only if he's utterly convinced you won't be wasting his time. He prefers people who can hold their own, not having the patience for the clueless and ignorant. He is far from a cruel or unpleasant person, though, and holds quite the interesting conversation


NameJean Doe
Age at Embrace39
True Age150+
Gender/PronounsCis Male | He/Him
ThemeWerewolf - Motionless in White
Theme 2Wolf Like Me - TV on the Radio